CSCE 420 Programming Project Submission Instructions

  • What to submit:
    • A single zip file, cs420-{programming assignment number}-{student last name}.zip (e.g.,, on Canvas.
  • Files to include in zip file:
    • The files that are required in the assignment's description. Please use comments appropriately across your code.
    • A short README.txt file in the following format:
      • Name: (Your name)
      • UIN: (Your TAMU UIN)
      • Additional comments: ...
  • Additional zip file instructions:
    • Place your files in a single folder inside the archive. Everything in the original zip must be in the zip you submit. Don't just zip up the files you changed and submit them.
    • The zipfile should expand into a folder called cs420-1-smith/ (i.e., not into the current directory).
    • The zip file should contain all of the original files in addition to the files you are required to modify (in other words, we should be able to cd into your zip folder and run python and have it work).
Here is the code we run to grade your assignment (zip and folder names changed appropriately; asgn1-main contains a clean version of the provided code):
diff -bur cs420-1-smith/ assignment1/
cd cs420-1-smith/
python search_agent